Monday, June 13, 2011

CIA's "Facebook" tanking before IPO

Facebook Traffic Drops For a Second Month In a Row - Is The Funfair Over?
iLo Ivy (Technocrati, June 13, 2011)
Inside Facebook reported, for the first time, a consecutive monthly drop in traffic figures, making this a slower growth than usual. The U.S. fell to 149.4 million users in May, while Canada lost 1.52 million. The U.K., Norway, and Russia also reported losses of over 100,000 users, according to today’s morning tech wrap on Forbes. The question is, what could be behind this dramatic fall? Invariably, short-term factors will always influence Facebook’s traffic from country to country. Yet, could this perhaps have something to do with the recent cyber security breaches on the networks of other major sites and big corporations like IMF's? More

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