Sunday, July 17, 2011

Buddhism in Mexico (Budismo)

Wisdom Quarterly and

America is not synonymous with the United States, although we use it that way. America is a continent with northern, central, and southern sections. The economic dominance of one part of the north has led to US hegemony (social influence) and military control and distorted the world's view of Americans. Mexico is just to the south of the US because the US stole many parts of Mexico including world-famous California. Just as Buddhism intrigues US citizens, citizens of Mexico and the rest of the Americas are embracing the Dharma. Of course, Buddhism in ancient Mexico and Mesoamerica goes much further back than it does in the US. Particularly striking is the Eagle-men versus Snake-men warring, popular in both Aztec and Buddhist mythology and central to the founding of Mexico and its flag. And there is also the adoration of GuanYin/Guadalupe. Budismo en espanol is no longer limited to Spain.

Budismo General
Más de la mitad de la población mundial vive en países que han recibido una gran influencia de las ideas y prácticas budistas. Sin embargo, desde los tiempos de Buda -- quinientos años antes de la aparición del cristianismo -- hasta mitad del siglo XX en Occidente no se sabía casi nada acerca del Budismo.

El Budismo se extiende a occidente
No obstante, a mediados del siglo XX esta situación empezó a cambiar, y se dice que hoy en día el budismo es una de las religiones que con más rapidez se extiende en Occidente.

El Budismo
¿Qué es el Budismo? Normalmente consideramos que la religión es creer en Dios, o mejor dicho, en creer en cualquiera de sus manifestaciones divinas; sin embargo, en el Budismo no se habla de Dios alguno. Mas

VALLE DE BRAVO, Mexico - In December 2010, a longtime dream of H.E. Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche was realized with the internal consecration of the Great Stupa for World Peace at the Chamma Ling retreat center, Mexico.

This huge, sacred structure represents all paths to enlightenment. It is hoped that its presence will help remove obstacles and discord and bring peace and happiness to Mexico and the world.

Among the hundreds of participants at the consecration were Yongdzin Rinpoche, the most senior teacher of the Bon Buddhist tradition of Tibet.

Also in attendance were Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche, abbot of Triten Norbutse Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal; Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, spiritual director of Ligmincha Institute; Bon Buddhist masters; representatives of other Buddhist traditions; as well as local native shamans. Video edited by Enrique Garcia.
Spanish Buddhism

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