Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Egyptian Archeology: Zahi Hawass is out

(Robert Alkmaar/Foxnews.com)

Obstructionist, megalomaniac, self-entitled zealot Zahi Hawass -- Egypt's own Indiana Jones -- has finally been pushed out as Antiquities supremo. He aligned himself too closely with the regime of Hosni Mubarek, who was deposed by CIA-sponsored rioting labelled part of the "Arab Spring." Hawass has done more harm to getting at the truth about the pyramids, extraterrestrial visitation, and the actual antiquity of Egyptian architecture, statuary, and monuments. He certainly stirred up interest in King Tut and mummies, but that hardly needed stirring. By suppressing information and Egyptian research not in line with his preconceptions and Egyptian nationalism, he set archeology back decades. Now there is an opportunity, but only an opportunity, for the unfiltered truth to come out.

The pyramids of Giza (Ricardo Liberato/disinfo.com)

Hawass is no longer Minister of Antiquities
CAIRO, Egypt - According to local reports, Egypt’s minister of antiquities Zahi Hawass has resigned his post. The move came as Prime Minister Essam Sharaf informed the country’s well-known Egyptologist that he would not be continuing on in his position.

Egyptian daily newspaper al-Youm al-Saba’a also reported that upon hearing the news, angry archaeologists [frustrated by Hawass' interference and obstructions, megalomania and ego], who had been camped out in front of the ministry, allegedly chased the embattled minister throughout the streets before his bodyguards were able to get Hawass into a taxi.

The move comes after a series of Bikya Masr articles detailing Hawass’ transgressions as a minister and the widespread anger and resentment over his continued position as minister. The New York Times also recently published an article that detailed the large financial sums Hawass takes from international publications in order to appear on their television programs. More

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