Friday, July 22, 2011

The Oslo Norway Terrorist Massacre

The mass [white] murderer who mowed down teenagers at the Utoya youth camp in one of multiple attacks in Norway today was seen in Oslo prior to his attack at the youth camp. After the Oslo blast he went to Utoya, dressed as a policeman, and in order to gain entry to the the youth camp, said he was on security detail in light of the Oslo bombings. Got that? He got through security and opened fire on the children. It takes an evil of unimaginable depravity and barbarity to conceive and execute such carnage. More
Condolences from Balochs in Norway
OSLO - The Baloch community of Norway extended its condolences in Norway on June 6, 2010 with respect to the extrajudicial killing/execution of Abdul Hameed Rigi. The Baloch community of Norway paid tribute to him, declaring him a martyr because he sacrificed himself for a noble cause. His execution is condemned. More

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