Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Live Webcast: 3rd Annual Drukpa Council

Tenzin Namgyel (The Buddhist Channel, Aug 23, 2011)

Leh, Ladakh (India)
- Devotees and pilgrims are currently now in Leh, the capital of the Indian state of Ladakh, to attend the third annual Drukpa council (ADC), that begins from August 22. The council is being presided over by His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa Rinpoche, the spiritual head of the Drukpa lineage. More
Himalaya village caught between culture and nature
Navin Singh Khadka, BBC News, 24 August 2011
Humla, Nepal - An ethnic community in Nepal's remotest Himalayan district, bordering Tibet, says it has been struggling to save its unique Buddhist culture from being uprooted by floods from a glacial lake. More

Don’t worry, be happy
MAJORIE CHIEW, The Star, August 21, 2011
A spiritual leader expounds on his ideas for finding true contentment in life.

Petaling Jaya, Malaysia - HAPPINESS has to come from within us. When a jolly monk says this, people tend to listen. More

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