Friday, August 5, 2011

UCLA Woodstock: Ancestral Health Symposium

“The Woodstock of Evolutionary Medicine” - Loren Cordain
For her road trip to L.A. to attend the "Ancestral Health Symposium," Nom Nom Paleo packs a cooler filled with Paleo proteins, veggies, good fats, and other snacks (Paleo Road Eats!)

About the Symposium
The Ancestral Health Symposium fosters collaboration among scientists, healthcare professionals, and laypersons who study and communicate about health from an evolutionary perspective to develop solutions to our modern health challenges.

The symposium is presented by the Ancestral Health Society, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating healthcare professionals and laypersons on ancestral lifestyle dynamics.

This year’s inaugural event has been produced by a hobbyist volunteer model, utilizing the strengths of various individuals who proudly live an ancestral lifestyle. This model has helped keep the cost of attending the symposium low.

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