Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Afghanistan: Living Through War (video)

AsiaFoundation.org, Wisdom Quarterly
Treasures from Afghanistan (davidderrick blog)

() What does daily life look like for the average Afghan being attacked by the American military machine?

While Americans threaten the people of Afghanistan and Afghans whither in the face continued threats to their peace and security, many of the people in the ancient Buddhist land remain optimistic regarding their country's future. (The original Kapilavastu, Siddhartha's hometown, may well have been in the Bamiyan Valley). The Asia Foundation puts us on the ground in Afghanistan to see what life on the streets looks like for many of the nation's citizens. More

They had the nerve to shoot at us, the invading force there to rape them.
Could you believe that? We had to kill them. They had no reason to shoot.

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