Thursday, September 8, 2011

Becoming Buddhist reading Quantum Physics

Colin Fernandez (Mail Online at
Wilkinson, who became a British national hero at the 2003 World Cup, said Buddhism has helped him overcome a fear of failure that was ruining his life.

Rugby star Jonny Wilkinson: "I've become a Buddhist after reading quantum physics books." We should have known the sports star had a spiritual side from the way he clasps his hands as if in prayer before he kicks goals. Now the England rugby payer has revealed that he has found inner peace through Buddhism.

His obsessive perfectionism was making him miserable, but Buddhism liberated him from being motivated by "money, status, or ego." The millionaire sportsman said that within 24 hours of winning the World Cup final against Australia in Sydney, he felt a powerful feeling of anticlimax.

"I did not know what it really meant to be happy. I was afflicted by a powerful fear of failure and did not know how to free myself from it." More

Celebrity Buddhists include Angelina Jolie, Tiger Woods, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sting, Coldplay wife Gwyneth Paltrow, Keanu Reeves, Tina Turner, Orlando Bloom, Uma Thurman and, of course, Lisa Simpson.

Sarah Jessica Parker: Hollywood's Newest Jew-Bu?
Vanishing from public view in her discreet Irish hideaway, "Sex and the City" superstar Parker is seeking tranquility.

NEW YORK, New York - Stressed by her latest challenge as producer of not one but two new cable shows, and dismayed by continuing rumors that her marriage is incontinent, superstar Sarah Jessica Parker seems to be finding tranquility down a path that many of her faith have trodden in the past: Becoming a Jew-Bu. More

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