Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bigfoot exists; PR campaigns seed doubt

Wisdom Quarterly,
Evidence for the Yeti or Abominable Snowman tumbles in from Siberia (

We have gotten a flood of comments sharing news stories that Yetis (yakshas in Buddhist cosmology) and Bigfoot exist.

It was only a matter of time before the powers that be and "official" science gatekeepers (journal editors, faculty committees, funding approvers, etc.) relented in the face of mounting modern evidence.

Never mind the centuries-old evidence handed down among indigenous people all over the world. Maybe there's still a chance, maybe this story can still be buried. No "civilized" person believed in the existence of mountain gorillas until a century ago, and most of the world still has no idea what a bonobo is as they are quickly pushed to extinction.


Public relations campaigns have been orchestrated to dismiss and ridicule reports for decades. It does not take much to seed doubt and ridicule. Governments have known for a long time about Bigfoot, other monsters, and alien visitors. But we sleep well in the Matrix not knowing about such things, which could bring us closer to the truth and take us farther from capitalist-consumer-wage-slavery.


Within a Hair of Bigfoot
The Russian Academy of Sciences has said it is highly likely that the Bigfoot really exists. Experts came to the conclusion after carrying out a microscopic analysis of hairs believed to belong to the yeti found in the Kuzbass region of Siberia.

­In early October, professors from the USA, Canada, Sweden, Estonia, and Russia came to the Kuzbass region to look for evidence that would prove the existence of the Bigfoot. The trip was not in vain -- footprints apparently belonging to the yeti were found dotted all over the inside of the Azass cave where the creature is thought to live.

The follicular evidence was found stuck to a huge footprint on the cave’s clay floor. Professors from Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Idaho Universities got themselves a couple of precious hairs each to do the necessary research. The hairs turned out to be identical to ones that allegedly belonged to a Californian yeti, another from the Russian Urals, and a third from the Leningrad region, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda.

The first to make the fantastic discovery was Prof. Valentin Sapunov, a member of the New York Academy, St. Petersburg Scientific University -- a geneticist and biophysicist.

“In St. Petersburg the hairs were examined through a special microscope,” said Valentin Sapunov. “This is a complicated, but a very efficient method. The hairs were sprayed with a chemical composition, and then various slices of the hairs were examined. This gave us an opportunity to draw comparisons between the hairs of different biological species,” the professor explained. More

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