Friday, October 7, 2011

Flash Mob Meditation TODAY

Wisdom Quarterly, Against the Stream Los Angeles

Wake Up London Sangha's Meditation Flash Mob in Trafalgar Square, London, England

Joining Occupy Los Angeles' ongoing occupation, Refund California's "Make Banks Pay" bank sit-ins, and other group's actions this weekend will be Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society's peaceful flash mob meditation in Pershing Square, downtown LA, from 12:00-12:30 pm.

Riot police may look unkindly on peaceniks bringing love and flowers into the eye of the storm. So, instead, a bunch of people full of tattoos, wearing black, with shaved heads and a rebellious streak in evidence will be going against the stream with a "sit-in" public meditation.

What does flash mob hope to accomplish? Just sitting. Just making a statement that peace amidst turmoil is possible. Meditation is a choice. It is easy to rant, march, and be provoked by police. It's not as easy to sit still and bring the mind into view: Is it leading to good or ill?

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