Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Columbus (video)

For the World to Live "Columbus" Must Die
Russell Means, Program #MEAR003, recorded in Denver, CO on April 27, 1992
LISTEN TO AUDIO. For too many of us, for too long, the indigenous peoples of this continent have been curiosities that existed somewhere over the horizon between fantasy and reality. The popularly crafted images were of medicine men [mostly women], squaws, peace pipes, teepees, tom toms, tomahawks, war bonnets, war paint, war whoops, and war parties. The only Indians we knew were named Tonto, Geronimo, and Crazy Horse. In recent years a lot of these cliches have disappeared. The American Indian Movement has done much to break down the conventional stereotypes. AIM articulates a program of self awareness and pride. It promotes treaty and land rights and religious freedom for Native Americans.
Russell Means, an Oglala Dakota and a prominent voice in the continuing struggle for indigenous rights, is a founding member of AIM and one of its leading spokespersons. He is Chief Executive Officer of the American Indian Anti-Defamation Council, an organization which monitors anti-Indian racism in the media and politics, and has organized and lectured throughout the world.

"Where Next Columbus?"
Another's hope, another's game
Another's loss, another's gain
Another's lies, another's truth
Another's doubt, another's proof
Another's left, another's right
Another's peace, another's fight
Another's name, another's aim
Another's fall, another's fame
Another's pride, another's shame
Another's love, another's pain
Another's hope, another's game
Another's loss, another's gain
Another's lies, another's truth...

Marx had an idea from the confusion of his head
Then there were a thousand more waiting to be led
The books are sold, the quotes are bought
You learn them well and then you're caught

Another's left, another's right
Another's peace, another's fight
Mussolini had ideas from the confusion of his heart
Then there were a thousand more waiting to play their part
The stage was set, the costumes worn
And another empire of destruction born
Another's name, another's aim
Another's fall, another's fame
Jung had an idea from the confusion of his dream
Then there were a thousand more waiting to be seen
You're not yourself, the theory says
But I can help, your complex pays

Another's hope, another's game
Another's loss, another's gain

Satre had an idea from the confusion of his brain
Then there were a thousand more indulging in his pain
Revelling in isolation and existential choice
Can you truly be alone when you use another's voice?

Another's lies, another's truth
Another's doubt, another's proof
The idea born in someone's mind
Is nurtured by a thousand blind
Anonymous beings, vacuous souls
Do you fear the confusion, your lack of control?
You lift your arm to write a name
So caught up in the identity game

Who do you see? Who do you watch?
Who's your leader? Which is your flock?
Who do you watch? Who do you watch?
Who's your leader? Which is your flock?
Einstein had an idea from the confusion of his knowledge
Then there were a thousand more turning to advantage
They realised that their god was dead
So they reclaimed power through the bomb instead
Anothers code, another's brain
They'll shower us all in deadly rain
Jesus had an idea from the confusion of his soul
Then there were a thousand more waiting to take control
The guilt is sold, forgiveness bought
The cross is there as your reward

Anothers love, another's pain
Anothers pride, another's shame
Do you watch at a distance from the side you have chosen?
Whose answers serve you best? Who'll save you from confusion?
Who will leave you an exit and a comfortable cover
Who will take you oh so near the edge, but never drop you over?
Who do you watch?

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