Friday, October 28, 2011

Meditating with Deepak on Wall Street (video)

Get Grounded, Deepak Chopra, Occupy Wall Street, Wisdom Quarterly


October, 2011 - There was meditation at Occupy Wall Street early on. Why? Meditation is about change and evolution. It is not passive resistance. It is internal activism that blossoms into external action. From the first day of coverage of the Occupy Movement in New York Getgrounded.TV will be putting out short videos on the network until it succeeds, and a documentary down the road.

“I personally believe that you can accelerate neural development and biological evolution through video games,” says Deepak Chopra. “Unfortunately, that’s not what we’re doing right now. What we’re doing is creating addictions to violence, adrenaline, and mindlessness, rather than mindfulness.”

Still from Leela, a meditation video game for Xbox 360

“[V]iolent games stress you out? Would you like to meditate to a soothing video game after a long day’s work? If so, spiritual guide Deepak Chopra and THQ may have a game for you. Called Leela, a word that means “play” in Sanskrit, the game uses Microsoft’s Kinect or the Wii Remote to combine the world of games with breathing and meditation exercises, reports the AP. More

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