Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Should I be Liberal or Conservative? (test)

Wisdom Quarterly editors Seven and Ashley Wells

I want to be rich, so that makes me liberal. I am poor, so that makes me conservative. Anyone who wants to conserve this system is, by definition, a corporate-welfare-loving "conservative." Obama, for example. Anyone who wants change, equality, fairness and justice for all regardless of categories or labels we put on them from birth is radical and rises on the side of being liberal.

I am rich, so that makes me conservative. I want to be poor, so that makes me liberal. Anybody who wants to change this system is, by definition, some kind of human-welfare-loving "liberal." Bush, for example. Anybody who wants preservation, inequality, "fair and balanced" news and justice for some depending on labels and the categories we put them in is reactionary and falls on the side of being conservative.
  • But everybody wants to be richer!
  • Yes, but not everyone wants to be richer by making others poorer. That's a cruel delusion many people carry around. We can have a win-win cooperative world. Instead, many push for a win-lose competitive world. What does the conservative media feed us?
  • I can be rich and kind to everyone?
  • Yes, be rich; have compassion; think of yourself AND others! It's called "enlightened self-interest." We don't have to be like Cartman...or Stan.

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