Wednesday, November 23, 2011

HELP WANTED: Bring own housing (video)

A State With Plenty of Jobs but Few Places to Live
Monica Davey (New York Times)
WILLISTON, North Dakota - When Joey Scott arrived here recently from Montana, he had no trouble finding work: He signed almost immediately with a company working to drill in the oil fields. But finding housing was another matter.

Every motel in town was booked, some for months in advance. Every apartment complex, even every mobile home park, had a waiting list. Mr. Scott found himself sleeping in his pickup truck in the Wal-Mart parking lot, shaving, and washing his hair in a puddle of melted snow. [He had yet to check the boomtown "Man Camps."] “I’ve got a pocketful of money, but I just can’t find a room,” said Mr. Scott, 25. More

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