Monday, November 21, 2011

Love-Hewitt suffering lovelessness

Daily Mail; Wisdom Quarterly
Don't judge me. Newly single (?) Jennifer looks heartbroken with comfort food in sweats.

The nature of human life -- beset as it is by craving, aversion/fear, and delusion -- is to occur the karmic result of suffering. "Suffering" comes in many ways, as physical pain and more often as psychological distress. But it is perhaps never more obvious than during times of heartbreak or the loss of loved ones. Even the stars suffer this eventuality and are not immune to trying to deal with in dysfunctional ways that have no chance of solving the problem. Our hearts go out to Jennifer Love Hewitt. Schadenfreude may make sense because she is beautiful, rich, and famous living a life of privilege as a movie star. This makes sense until one deals with this form of misery, which deserves utmost compassion.

Rumored to have split from her boyfriend of six months, Jarod Einsohn, yogini Jennifer Love Hewitt, by the looks of things, is heartbroken.

The 32-year-old actress was seen stepping out for some comfort food and appeared down in the dumps in scruffy LOVE sweats.

The Four Noble Truths lead to the end of suffering (nirvana).

Make-up free with hair scrapped back into a messy bun, which all added to her dishevelled appearance.

In need of comfort food? Jen Love was seen looking heartbroken as she picked up a Pinkberry in Studio City (Los Angeles) earlier [on Nov. 20, 2011].

The gorgeous unlucky-in-love starlet headed to the addictive ice cream emporium for a sweet, fattening treat. The legal but dangerous sugar drug doesn't really work, of course. She left the store with a large, unhealthy frozen cow extract and what seemed like a miserable mood. More

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