Sunday, November 20, 2011

Magic in the Mountains: Elves' Faire

Mindful Parents (Wisdom Quarterly)

While the world raged on -- the MIC (military-industrial complex) and bankers rolling their war machine over Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan... and knocking on Iran's door with no one but the OM (Occupy Movement) and a few libertarians and pacifists standing in opposition calling attention to the Emperor with No Clothes -- the Earthbound devas were being festive.

Society may love to traumatize us with an adolescence full of angst and injury, but Waldorf turns that all around for a natural education. The Elves' Faire by parents was part of that effort. Pasadena Waldorf, located on high in Altadena, is even opening a high school (Fall, 2012). It already runs a magic farm, an idyllic campus for kids to blossom into the humanity otherwise denied them in public school.


Pasadena Waldorf offers a developmental, experiential education in which the arts are fully integrated into the curriculum, and intellectual challenge is fostered through human connection and relationship. All are welcome to explore and learn about this unique approach to learning. Waldorf is 90 years old, with nearly 1,000 schools worldwide. PWS is a not-for-profit independent school located on a historic estate in the wooded foothills of north east Los Angeles.

When we first decided to educate our daughter and raise her as an American Buddhist, we thought we should do it at home. But that did not seem fair to her. Public School did not seem fair to us. "Fair" is Waldorf, where she can be raised in all spiritual traditions or none at all and still grow up to be a deva.

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