Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mayor, Police threaten to evict Occupy LA

Wisdom Quarterly (Nov. 25, 2011)
It's like Officer Cartman is always threatening: "You will respect my authoritay!" or else.

Mayor: Occupy Los Angeles must move out

LOS ANGELES (KTLA) - Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced in a press conference Friday that the Occupy LA encampment will be shut down at 12:01 am on Sunday night.

[The 1% mayor recognized the peaceful efforts of 99% of the demonstrators that make up Occupy LA by saying, "Occupy LA has brought needed attention to the growing disparities in our country."

But he added, "City Hall Park [now renamed Solidarity Park by occupiers] is temporarily closing out of concern for the public safety..."

We need to make occupiers less safe to make them more safe. It worked in My Lai Village, so why not here?]

Changes, what changes, we don't need no stinkin' changes
Wisdom Quarterly, Interfaith Group, Occupy LA
It is said that LA Mayor Antonio Villa- is related to the Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa. (When he married, he combined his wife's surname to his own then cheated on her with a mainstream media figure, as a possible conflict of interest, and divorced his wife).

But he isn't acting like a force for justice and change now. Standing next to the Police State's chief enforcer Chuck Beck, he is threatening peaceful demonstrators with severe police violence:

Such tactics have not been seen since Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Oakland were forcibly removed by tractor and dump truck, baton and tear gas canister, mass arrests and officially sanctioned police brutality.

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
The authorities promise the police-violence and official-mayhem will begin promptly at 12:01 am on Sunday night. This ought to give U2 something new to sing about.
  • SPECTATOR VIEWING STATIONS will be set up along [Arab-] Spring St., between 1st and Temple. Come watch history in the making. All attendees are advised to bring tear gas masks, helmets, and eye protection. And a jacket. Likely to be chilly. This part of the revolution may be televised so the LAPD can make an example of LA.
What happened to the carrot before the stick, the promised office/farm relocation site? That was backpedaled. What about the City Council's approval of LA citizens exercising their free speech rights? The mayor never agreed to that and was frustrated behind closed doors that anyone had. He is here to enforce the version of "law and order" the Powers That Be tell him to enforce, not make way for revolutionary change, evolutionary improvement, or any real change at all.

What the scene will look like, or too often looks like, when police are set free to inflict violence and new technology on peaceful demonstrators. See more

"This is what failure looks like": Morgan Spurlock's unusual experiment continues as two women embark on career risks.

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