Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The original new "Israel" is in old Japan

Historian Douglas Dietrich; research by Wisdom Quarterly editors

It is called the Oblast. It has its own tourist bureau, anthem, and population yet few know anything about it. Meanwhile, a dispossessed people have nowhere to go and nothing to do but displace Palestinians in an unspeakable occupation claiming that is what God wants.

There is no obvious "Israel" except one claimed for geopolitical reasons. That "promised land" could just as well be set up in any number of places -- North Africa (Ethiopia) with the Ark of the Covenant, India (Kashmir) in an original settlement from the time of Rabbi Jesus, Egypt in King Moses' pre-exile court, Italy with the the Shroud of Turin, New York, Germany, Sephardic Spain, West Los Angeles...

Why, then, is it in Palestine? That was a British-American decision that came about largely due to oil and strategic military interests (possibly related to space entities interested in a region that included ancient Mesopotamia and Sumeria or Sumer).
() What is the connection between Jews and ancient Japan? The commonalities are more than coincidence. -Daniel C. Knapp

Jewish settlement in Imperial Japan
The other newly created "Israel" involved the Zionist movement of Jews to and through Japan to its occupied areas of China shortly prior to and during World War II, coinciding with the Second Sino-Japanese War, which used or threatened to use nuclear weapons when history tells us only the US has ever used them on civilians. The onset of the European war by Nazi Germany resulted in the lethal mass persecutions and genocide of Jewry, known as the Holocaust.

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