Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Build willpower: Meditate on neuroplasticity

Daniel Goleman, via Integral-Options Cafe; Sharpbrains.com
Brain cell (neuron) links are capable of connecting and disconnecting as we learn.

Yes, You Can Build Willpower (meditate on neuroplasticity!)
New research sug­gests we can build our willpower
Those of us who strug­gle to resist junk foods or oth­er­wise suf­fer a lack of willpower will be heartened by some good news from neu­ro­science. But there’s some bad news, too. First the bad news. A slew of stud­ies sug­gest that we each have a fixed neural reser­voir of willpower, and if we use it on one thing, we have less for oth­ers. Tasks that demand some self-control make it harder for us to do the next thing that takes willpower. In a typ­i­cal exper­i­ment on this effect, one group of peo­ple was made to watch a video of a bor­ing scene; another was not. More

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