Monday, January 2, 2012

Occupy the Rose Parade (video); Wisdom Quarterly; Occupy Los Angeles
Part 1: Rose Parade ends and Occupation begins. Police claim only "400" participants, organizers estimate between 4,000-5,000. Just as the last of the bland floats and marching bands from all over the country (and Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand...) passed, they came in the thousands: the 99%!

Laura Lee's rousing song-speech dressed as a jailed banker, Pasadena, Jan. 2, 2012 (WQ)

The great about living in Los Angeles, one of the great things about living in Los Angeles, one of the many great things about living in Los Angeles is the activism in the center of the MEDIA universe. We have mainstream and alternative outlets galore. There are still not nearly enough, but everyone comes here to gain access to coverage of the most important movements of our time.

Part 2: The sea of people flows to a planned and permitted rally at City Hall. Aerial spraying (chemtrails) began in earnest soon after to ruin a summer-like sky.

The Occupy Octopus, CodePink, and thousands of colorful celebrants following the path of the world-famous DooDah Parade and the older, more Disney-like Rose Parade (in its 123rd year).

Hired guns, Sheriff's deputies in full riot gear help PPD intimidate peaceful parade goers, Holly St. between former Insight Yoga Buddhist studio and City Hall (WQ).

The Occupation turned on Marengo Ave. and parked in front of the Pasadena rotunda, protected by Police State troopers suited up for war, until 2:00 pm. Cindy Sheehan -- famous as the world's first American "occupier" with her small encampment at Occupy Crawford Ranch bringing media attention to Pres. George Bush's war crimes -- gave a rousing speech.

Sheehan holding photo of son Casey under chemtrails (WQ)

She was followed by Michele Shocked (now Michelle 99 seen above in ski mask), Laura Lee, Luminaries, and numerous speakers including attorney and the Occupy the Rose Parade founder Peter Thottam. All kept it brief to wild applause of a very enthusiastic protest movement. If anyone thought the Occupy Movement had faded away, these bright colors and creative costumes showed otherwise. These are the cultural creatives coming together in the "Benares of the West," Pasadena.

Occupy protest follows 123rd annual Rose Parade
PASADENA, California (AP) - The 2012 Tournament of Roses brought its flowery floats and strutting bands to a worldwide audience Monday under clear blue skies [that took on a strange haze as excessive crisscrossing contrails lingered contrary to aerial physics], and in its wake came a scruffier parade -- hundreds [an estimated 40 hundred] of anti-Wall Street protesters. The 123rd annual New Year's Day event, with the theme "Just Imagine," flowed along downtown Pasadena to the cheers of hundreds of thousands of sidewalk spectators. More

How to make an American angry

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