Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Shinzen Young in Los Angeles: "Do nothing"

Shinzen.org; Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society; Wisdom Quarterly

Shinzen Young talks about a technique he calls "do nothing." It is like what other traditions call choiceless awareness, just sitting, the great perfection (dzogchen), and mahamudra. Instructions: VIDEO

"Let whatever happens happen. As soon as you're aware of an intention to control your attention -- drop that intention."

World famous Zen master and Western Buddhist teacher Shinzen Young will be leading the weekly Against the Stream Los Angeles meditation and Dharma session Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012 in Hollywood and Monday, Jan. 23 at 7:30-9:00 pm in Santa Monica. Drop-in basis, no registration necessary, open to everyone, by donation, no one turned away.

Wednesday Meditations and Dharma Talks
Against the Stream Los Angeles

Every week at 7:30 pm, Noah Levine and other ATS teachers alternate leading these sessions with occasional special guest teachers. Guided meditation is followed by a Dharma talk.

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