Tuesday, January 10, 2012

U.S. Buddhist Radio (Pacifica)

Wisdom Quarterly, Pacifica Radio, KPFK.org, Something's Happening

The longest-running Buddhist radio programming began in Berkeley at the flagship station KPFK. Alan Watts went on the air to talk about the exotic East. For decades it has continued and gone across the country. Livestreaming and programs (archived for only 90 days) are available at Pacifica station websites. Pacifica is heard over Los Angeles airwaves at KPFK as Roy of Hollywood Tuckman takes over nighttime programming on "Something's Happening" from midnight to 6:00 am. Roy frequently features Alan Watts, Pema Chodron, Dr. Gary Null, Shinzen Young, "Sounds True," Eckhart Tolle, Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg, and other luminaries before the dawn. Buddhist Geeks is a newer effort to do in-depth interviews with many Buddhist writers as it "discovers the emerging face of Buddhism."

Stephen Levine "A Year to Live: How To Live This Year As If It Were Your Last" (aired Dec. 27, 2011 12:00 am)
Something's Happening - B
Stephen Levine (continued) "A Year to Live: How To Live This Year As If It Were Your Last"
Natalie Goldberg "Wild Mind: Living the Writer's Life" Part 2a Unleash your "Wild Mind" -- the true source of your creative power.
Pema Chodron "Good Medicine: How to Turn Pain into Compassion with Tonglen Meditation" Part 1 of (2:30 am)

Buddhist Geeks Conference, August 2012, Boulder, Colorado

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