Monday, January 2, 2012

World War III (video)

Peter Thottam, Christy Ernst, Wisdom Quarterly

Let's go... beyond the bankers' post WW II illusion of nation states, cheap natural resources and human labor to feed banking, corporate, and military interests.

beyond faux religions and ideologies demonizing the "other" to enable outsourcing of developing world slave labor circuits (China, Mexico, Indonesia, India, Russia, Brazil, Phillipines, Nigeria, etc.)

beyond failing bureaucracies, that is, illusory systems designed to encourage passive submission to class-based engineering (manufacturing consent) to elite (1%) authority structures.

According to the U.S. Federal Reserve, the top 1% of America now owns 56% of its financial wealth. In Mexico and India, the top 1% own over 80% of the national wealth.

Mainstream media everywhere has become a sea of manipulation and distraction aiding bankster owners and duopolies. What we are fed as "entertainment" is mostly nonsense to keep us spoonfed and foolish. Meanwhile, 16,000+ children die from starvation and malnutrition DAILY around the world. (See below). How does the military-industrial complex respond? Police states roll out military equipment for "peace" officers to use on peaceful, unarmed civilians.

Question: Has war coverage been minimized to the point that most Americans can easily forget that this is life during wartime? We started the wars we are in, and we are starting more of them.

It is us against the world, with Israel's help. But it is not the Americans and not our Department of War (DOD). It is actually the MIC (military-industrial complex) or shadow government that pulls the strings here and in the UK, Euro Zone, and elsewhere.

Where to turn? The BBC, its proxy agent National Pentagon Radio, "local" news from franchises owned by multinational corporations? Fortune 500 companies, with the help of the CIA and international capital, have taken over of CNN/FOX/WSJ, etcetera.

Worse yet, America's single party system is made of two co-opted wings, the Democratic and Republican. Let's stand up because we are easier to bulldoze sitting down. More

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