Friday, February 17, 2012

The ET War, NAZIs, and 2012 (video), Alex Collier, David Icke, Jesse Ventura, edited by Wisdom Quarterly
() A contactee since the age of 8, Alex Collier speaks at The Ranch on Nov. 16, 1996 about an ET race from the star system Andromeda -- human beings who have blue skin.

The incomprehensible truth ties things together -- our crumbling economy, rebirth, endless war, insanity, child molestation (trauma), life on Earth and elsewhere, environmental destruction, draconian government control, homeland spying, Nazism, police abuse, 2012, natural psychic abilities, literal time travel, and the futures to come.

Ever wondered who ultimately controls this world? What is undermining our ability as humans to achieve global peace? What is perpetuating the wars? Why do 99% of us humans want peace while the 1% in making war(s)?

What mentality makes up stories about “Weapons of Mass Destruction” (in Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Somalia, or anywhere else) to justify extremely costly preemptive strikes? Who is 1/10th of 1% responsible for pursuing Earth’s destruction?

DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) are occupied by humans and ETs. () "And the kings of the Earth, and the great men, and the rich men hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains" (Rev 6:15, KJV).
Alex Collier claims to be a "contactee" communicating with Ethical Extraterrestrials. Based on his insights he explains that Manipulative Extraterrestrials invaded the Earth in the 1930s. The invasion was apparently the result of NAZIs seeking them out through the creation of a one-dimensional stargate.

The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (Minute 4:00) in 2009

Earthbound humans do not recall the invasion because it resulted in a NAZI-alien alliance traveling back and forward in time. This resulted in the creation of “artificial timelines” which altered human conscious memory of the past.

The 1930s we experienced were artificially created to give the impression that the NAZIs lost, were prosecuted, and disappeared. The alliance scripted that loss and instituted an agenda of manipulation that has been going on ever since.

This "Matrix"-like alliance is behind the destructive globalization and Lebensraum wars in the Middle East in around the world. The US is the empire, the superpower, the military arms of the remnants of the NAZI regime (along with England, Israel, and a few other European powers).

David Icke elaborates: Germans during World War II were merely a front for the NAZI organization that is now a British-American confederacy. The NAZI Party has sought to corrupt and take over all of the Earth’s major political parties (instituting fake democracies in country after country to facilitate the process).

Control is mostly monetary and economic and only military as a last resort. Currency manipulation and banking is far easier to control and more effective. The Rothschilds funded Hitler. Then as now, economic hitmen rule the world, now using the IMF and World Bank. Access to money allows an agenda of the demiurge.

David Icke suggests that the NAZIs who collaborated with “demonic” lower-dimensional entities (whom Pagan Gnostics referred to as “artificial men”) formed a “shadow world government” in the 1930s.

John Perkins confesses to having been a US "economic hitman."

This globalization-seeking NAZI Party apparently perpetuates and presides over wars, frustrates attempts at environment protection, and is responsible for social injustices.

Dr. Michael Salla has documented evidence of this abusive Military-Industrial-(Extraterrestrial) Complex. Globalization appears to be a “cover story” for the real aspirations of the Third Reich. Adolf Hitler expressed these goals, a fully consolidated “New World Order” on a Mayan 2012 timeline.

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