Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gay marriage closer to reality (video)

Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
Meditation masters, New Age gurus, and bestselling authors like Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie all how up the silliness of resisting reality. Reality should be understood and allowed because it is that way anyway.

Since Proposition 8 violates civil rights, the case is going to the Supreme Court on appeal. But this is a California-centric decision. The courts are not speaking for other states or their individual circumstances.

With a handful of states already allowing same-sex marriages, along with other countries and almost universal acceptance of lesbianism as entertainment, it is only a matter of time before we all serve as Best Man at a lesbian wedding or enjoy the fancy nuptials of Adam and Steve.

By and large, who has not already accepted that? Catholic priests? Page-loving Republican politicians? Los Angeles elementary school teachers? Gay rapists in the US military?

Our heroic American soldiers are actually gay sodomites?

College students today tend to consider it a non-issue not worthy of debate. If homosexuality is wrong according to one's religion, arguments about the definition of "marriage" are not going to change that. If one's concern is strictly societal and the biological perpetuation of the species, there is no need to worry.
  • Buddhism and the social study of sex? Buddhism, Sexuality, and Gender (edited by Jose Ignacio Cabezon) deals with the very few places gay (possibly transgender) deviants come up in ancient Buddhist texts. The Pali Canon speaks of pandakas and their exclusion from the ancient Indian Buddhist Monastic Order, Japanese texts advocate Greek-style pederasty among priests, and scholars examine attitudes towards women and the gender symbolism of Kwan-yin...
Very, very few people are strict homosexuals. The vast majority of those identifying as "gay" are, in fact, heteroflexible. Rare, indeed, is a person on either extreme of a Kinsey continuum. The tendency toward a bell shaped curve suggests peoples' sexual boundaries are blurred. And we are all made to feel guilty about even normative sexual impulses telling us we are in need of religion for validation and/or redemption.

America's anti-sweetheart Kathy Griffin teaches us to profit from gays

But what we really need to do is come to terms with ourselves, our motives, and how we treat others. Regardless of how hard we are on ourselves -- how pure, how extreme, how blameless -- there is no merit in condemning others. Love one, love all in an altruistic way full of sympathy (resonating with their highs and lows) and compassion.

One sure way to guilt-laden (vipaka or karmic mental resultant) homosexual compulsions in future lives is to torment gays, according to the readings of Edgar Cayce and the mysterious workings of karma.

Drugs, alcohol, early childhood trauma (rape, molestation, boundary violations, emotional abuse, instability), hormonal irregularities (which now cannot be avoided in a world awash with plastic, plastic residues, and xeno-estrogenic compounds) all play into our sexuality and sense of ourselves as masculine-feminine-androgynous-or-asexual.

What is worse, fluid borders or finding out that a gay marriage was really no better than a straight one?

People are people, and violating some social norm or biblical injunction will not solve all of our problems. Nor will it bring human civilization crumbling down (unless the "fag" hating Calvinists at Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church are right).

While being open to correction by others, correcting others uninvited is a minefield. One has to imagine that not being able to marry someone of the same sex must be as bad as being forced to marry someone of the other sex for some people.

According to the Buddha, "Forbearance [tolerance, acceptance, respect] is the highest virtue."

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