Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why Syria matters: State killing of protesters

A Tibetan raises slogans outside the White House where President Obama and Vice President Xi were holding talks, Feb. 14, 2012 (AFP/Getty Images/Jewel Samad). MORE.

Syrian Troops Fire on Protesters in Damascus
(VOA) Pro-change protesters attend funerals, in snowy weather, of those killed by government troops rising up only to be put down by Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, Feb. 18, 2012.

() Talking heads mince words while Assad rules Syria with iron hand.

Activists say Syrian security forces have opened fire on protesters taking part in a funeral procession in the capital.

Witnesses says the shooting broke out Saturday at the funeral of three people killed by [paramilitary] "security" forces during a demonstration in the area a day earlier.

Witnesses and activists say thousands of people participated in Saturday's procession in the Mezze neighborhood. Some injuries were reported, but an exact toll is not known.

Earlier Saturday in Damascus, China's Vice Foreign Minister Zhai Jun called on all sides in Syria to end the violence and allow elections to proceed peacefully.

Zhai -- who spoke following a meeting with Bashar al-Assad -- said China calls on the government, the opposition, and those with arms for an immediate stop to the violence. More

Monsters Moammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein were not killed for being "monsters" but for crossing the bankers who control the world through worthless fiat currencies.

Why Syria Matters
Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
Human rights should be enough of a reason to care about the wholesale slaughter of civilians by a military-industrial complex strongman pretending he is merely "defending" against an external enemy engaged in "terrorism."

But these atrocities are important because they are in no way limited to Muslimdom (the Islamic world). These regimes are installed, propped up, and deposed by the West. And it is the West that treats its own people with the same callous disregard. "Might makes right" in a world that stoops to the law of the jungle, pandering to the lowest common denominator:

What will people call sufficient justification for massacres? Revenge, "law and order," anti-terrorism, state control over "dirty" hippies (anyone who questions the men in gray suits). Westerners generally do not care about Muslim countries. They care when it impacts them, by America's strategic interests -- say, for example, in Saudi Arabia, Sarajevo, and Somalia (and of course anywhere in the geopolitical Middle East).

What we do there to them we will gladly do here to our own citizens to show the world exactly how it's done. We invent these special weapons and tactics (SWAT). We sell it to the rest of the world. And we test new developments on Americans all the time. All the MIC needs is a tiny bit of provocation and mainstream media complicity to sell the justification... Syria is a mirror of our own society.
China, too
The American government doesn't care about the Chinese or human rights in China. It cares about undermining and defeating China. It uses the Dalai Lama, a long-time CIA operative (innocently duped or cynically playing the game), to knock China. It makes little to no effort save Tibetans.

As American Buddhists and activists, we march on Washington to "Free Tibet." Administration after administration (merely the face of a shadow government with plans and policies we never see or vote on) takes an interest, hosts a dignitary, and insults China. China loses face and carries on. And another administration says, "Our work is done." Unless we probe and find out who is really in charge of things, we are not changing anything.

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