Monday, February 6, 2012

WikiLeaks: Spying by Facebook, Twitter

Julian Assange (RT, WikiLeaks); Wisdom Quarterly
() Are Facebook users doing free work for US intelligence agencies by spying on themselves and their friends? This segment is part of a 40-minute interview.

The man behind WikiLeaks says his website's revelations are just the tip of the iceberg. In an exclusive interview with RT, Julian Assange said it is only a matter of time before more damaging information becomes known.

House detained investigator Julian Assange has been hired by and given his own show, even as he fights extradition to Sweden and, by extension, the US.

Assange is the man behind WikiLeaks, who says his Website's revelations are just the tip of the iceberg. In an exclusive interview with RT, he said it is only a matter of time before more damaging information becomes known.

The publication of confidential cables proved deeply embarrassing for the US and other countries. "If we look at our work over the last 12 months, think about that. All these stories that have come out actually happened in the world, before 2010, but people didn't know about it. So what is it that we don't know about now? There's an enormous hidden world out there that we don't know about. It exists there right now."

Assange claims the data released by WikiLeaks is not even the most important and calls on people not to believe that the information they receive from the media is all that is happening.

"We only released secret, classified, confidential material. We didn't have any top secret cables. The really embarrassing stuff, the really serious stuff wasn't in our collection to release. But it is still out there." See the video

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