Sunday, March 11, 2012

Killing the Man who Raped Me (audio)

David Holthouse, This American Life, WBEZ/ ("Slow to React")
WARNING: This story is not suitable for children (23 minutes).

Act One: When I Grow Up
Back in 2004, reporter David Holthouse published a remarkable story in Westword, the weekly paper he worked for. It's about something he waited his entire life to do -- killing the man who violently raped him when he was a child of 7 (pictured left).

The perpetrator, now a married father, was a 15-year-old sports star. Holthouse, still suffering the fallout of his early childhood trauma, now lives and works in Alaska.

David Holthouse confronts killer inside him on This American Life: Read shocking story here
​Listeners to the latest edition of This American Life, a National Public Radio staple hosted by Ira Glass, heard a startling story -- one Westword readers first discovered back in 2004. The subject? Then-staff writer David Holthouse's plan to murder the man who'd raped him at age seven.

To kill or not to kill? That is the question. Revenge or real resolution in the way of unthinkable acts one has endured at the hands of others. David Holthouse as an adult (

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