Friday, March 30, 2012

Meet your Meat, Meateaters (video)

; Wisdom Quarterly
WARNING: Graphic reality of slaughterhouse activities! Not suitable for children

Everyone would go vegetarian if slaughterhouses had glass walls, according to activist music legend and former Beatle Paul McCartney, who delivers a powerful narration of this must-see video. Watch to discover why as we remove the walls and look inside. Learn more. Choosing a "halfitarian," Meatless Monday, vegetarian, or vegan lifestyle is the environmentally sane, karmically compassionate, and healthy thing to do. Eating well does a body good. Recent studies show the result of flesh eating, and with the legal status of "pink slime" for human consumption, the cancer, obesity, and life-shortening risks are growing. Meet the animals that make up our SAD (Standard American Diet), and let your heart be your guide about the best way to eat for flavor, fun, and a fantastic life. More

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