Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kashmir: Himalayan avalanche traps 100

The vast Himalaya, home of yetis and other extraordinary beings, is no place to fight. More soldiers die from harsh weather than from attacks (

(Reuters) An avalanche slammed into a Pakistani military camp near the disputed Kashmir border with rival India on Saturday. It has buried more than 100 soldiers, with no sign of survivors 12 hours later, the army said. The soldiers were trapped near the Siachen Glacier in the Karakoram mountain range.

"This avalanche hit a (military) headquarters. Over 100 soldiers and personnel are trapped," army spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas told Reuters, adding that a total of 117 soldiers were stationed there.

A helicopter rescue team was searching for survivors with sniffer dogs, he added. "This happened at six o'clock. These avalanches usually happen at night. It took them by surprise," said Abbas.

Siachen is in the northern part of the Himalayan region of Kashmir.

Ancient Vedic India once encompassed today's Kashmir, Pakistan, and Afghanistan

Muslim-majority Kashmir is at the heart of hostility between India and Pakistan and was the cause of two of their three wars. The fourth was over the founding of Bangladesh.

Described as the world's highest battlefield, for two decades India and Pakistan fought at altitudes of over 20,000 feet in minus 60 degrees Celsius temperatures.

Indian and Pakistani forces, estimated to number between 10,000 and 20,000 troops combined, still face off against each other in mountains above the glacier. More

1 comment:

  1. Our prayers are with the families of the 130 soldiers... but do we need this or can we afford the loss of lives, be it, Indian or the Pakistani soldiers and the Billions it cost us since 1984 ?
