Sunday, April 1, 2012

Occupy: Essential Info for #OWS (video); Wisdom Quarterly
Recorded and filmed by Chris Williamson and Lucius Borich at Keysoundstudios, Sydney.

(pronounced Ike) imparts essential knowledge for the Wall Street protestor. Without understanding the banking system, what hope is there for changing the powers that be and saving the world? We need to know how not to be scammed by the ones -- the One Percent -- being protested. When demonstrating it must be clear that it is not the people in the banks but the laws on the books of a corrupt system.

If every "bankster" were thrown off the exchange and driven from their corner offices, absolutely nothing would change. But if the system were corrected, they could stay and everything would be different. The banking system is the problem not the banking criminals, money-corrupted politicians, and brutal paramilitary police who protect the system. This European style system is old and took hold in America, which was meant to be different. To finance wars, it became easier to become indebted to the Old World system of instant debt with the printing of money.

The "Federal" Reserve is a private bank, and this is not in dispute. For every dollar printed, more than a dollar is instantly owed. It can never be repaid without going into further debt -- and this is by design. This is the trick. This ensures the enslavement of anyone who participates in the system. Learn more from watching the first Zeitgeist movie on the monetary system, or short videos on how banking and American capitalism work, or the Shock Doctrine to see how our form of capitalism has become disaster capitalism. View the headlines at for more daily news.

Free Forum with Terrence McNally (
Because our political process and the government it delivers are owned and dominated by the wealthy and the biggest corporations, there is a gap, a disconnect -- of identification, of engagement, of influence, and of trust -- between the people and politics and between the people and government. In this election year, how can the Occupy/99% Movement best occupy that gap? The answer is important for the movement, the electoral process, and ultimately for the world. Source

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