Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Meet the "Third Eye" Pineal Gland (video)

Dhmr. Seven and Amber Dorrian, Wisdom Quarterly; video by , Akyastv
 Minute 8:15 mentions a Buddhist connection seen by Dr. Rick Straussman, MD.

The connection is actually to the pre-Buddhist Bön religion overlaid by Vajrayana Buddhism in Tibet, which practices Lamaism, Tantra, and the Diamond Way. Mystics, first Bön shamans and later ecstatic meditators, elaborated a postmortem map to escape rebirth.

The Bardol Thodol or "Tibetan Book of the Dead" was meant to be read to the dying to guide them through the initial stages of a brief intermediary period before another afterlife. The individual, not a "soul," is cycling through samsara, the Wheel of Life and Death. Part of this cycle is happening right now, on this plane, in the human world.

Edgar Cayce (David Wilcock) explains the agni chakra or "mark of the beast."

When one passes away from here, the Tibetans envisioned an elaborate route or passageways onto the next life. (Various cultures have seen it according to what they know on Earth, so while the details change, the themes are the same, suggesting an objective experience).

The goal was to avoid rebirth or at least rebirth on lower planes of existence. But the things to be done to avoid that are meant to be done in the human world during this life, not some last minute maneuver outwitting Yama, the King of the Dead.

What should be done if one wishes for freedom is to develop this wisdom -- suffering and the end of suffering, dukkha (disappointment) and nirvana, a kind of bliss unutterable. The way to do that is to cultivate virtue (compassion for all), serenity (absorbed concentration), and liberating-wisdom (insight, superknowledge, nyana).

The way to that is to contemplate (ponder) and meditate (sit still without thinking) on the Four Noble Truths. All of this is summed up in the general and very detailed Noble Eightfold Path. When one has died again, when one goes on the next world to experience the joys and consequences of past actions (karma), it is no time to then try to sit and still the heart/mind.

One has karma as one's inheritance, as one's companion, as one's associate. That karma is always adjustable. Whatever we have done, we can do better right now. We can cultivate more skill, more profit, more comfort. It will always come in handy. Through confidence (verifiable "faith") in the good we are able to step forward toward the good. What is the good?
  • IMAGES: All-Seeing Eyes of Buddha stupa, Nepal (Gebenn/; allseeingeye2 (; eye by Phoddastica; eye as greenish mirror of consciousness seen in meditation (; Tibet landscape at the "rooftop of the world" (
Giving (dana, alobha) is good. Developing the Five Precepts is good. Applying the Dharma we have learned. Sharing the good we do with others by inviting them to join in. Restraining ourselves from the harmful impulses we experience. Daily reflections on the qualities of the Buddha, the liberating Dharma, the liberated or "noble" Sangha are good and easy exercises to set the heart in a useful direction.

There is an eye that sees. But it is the heart that knows. That "third eye" (in Buddhist terms, the dibba cakkhu) would seem to physically correspond to the pine-shaped pineal gland, an inner eye replete with rods and cones.
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