Sunday, June 3, 2012

It's true: UFOs over Los Angeles (video)

; EnvisionMagic; Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly

The objects are flying but remain unidentified.
People gather, Robert Bingham summons (simply by peering deep into the sky and silently saying "Come" with the full confidence and gratitude that they have appeared as described in Gregg Braden's Isaiah Effect), and UFOs eventually appear. The only problem is, skeptics will not be satisfied: While there are definitely flying objects, they remain unidentified. They are more drones and objects than vehicles and mother ships. Bingham refers to them as "angels." They exhibit qualities described by Stewart Swerdlow. And they are part of a Federation, according to Bingham. Seeing is not believing. We believe it is. But when we see, it does not make us believers. It simply becomes impossible or untenable to doubt that something is happening, but what? The demonstration/summoning is not nearly drastic enough. The footage has to improve with better zoom capabilities, contrast, and some way to judge distance (height). What we were able to confirm is that it is NOT a hoax. Bingham is sincere. And there is no reason why others would not be able to summon otherworldly craft -- just as Dr. Steven Greer and Richard C. Hoagland assert and as is done nightly at various ranches and with high-grade night vision equipment.

1 comment:

  1. was this in MacArthur Park? I stumbled on this video on youtube , didn't know this was going on last sunday. What's this all about? He summons ufos? The footage is pretty interesting to say the least. Do you think they could be the ufo's sometimes referred to as "jumpers" used for interdimensional travel or drones or actual piloted craft?
