Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Protecting Dalai Lama from chemicals, poisons; Wisdom Quarterly
People mistake poison chemtrails for rare rainbows or "Buddha lights" (
14th Dali Lama (AFP)
The Dalai Lama -- who has made Dharamsala, India, his home ever since he fled China decades ago -- is possibly the most protected VIP in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Now a new perceived threat has taken his security to levels never before seen. These measures have been ramped up in the weeks since the 76-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner [who recently met fellow laureate Aung San Suu Kyi for the first time] went public with a claim that Chinese agents may be plotting to poison him. Among the most significant of these new steps is the screening of the Dalai Lama’s food and medicines, while there is also a proposal to use chemical detectors on visitors. More

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