Friday, June 1, 2012

Stuxnet: Obama, Israel attacked Iran (cartoon)


A CAMPAIGN FOR THE CYNICS: The candidates know elections are decided by the least informed, the least involved and the least interested in politics.

Obama, Israel ordered computer attacks on Iran
Grant Gross,, June 1, 2012
The Stuxnet worm, developed by U.S. and Israeli agencies, targeted Iran's nuclear program, says the New York Times.

(IDG) U.S. President Barack Obama ordered the Stuxnet cyberattacks on Iran in an effort to slow the country's development of a nuclear program, according to a report in The New York Times.

Quoting anonymous sources, the Times reported that in the early days of his presidency, Obama accelerated attacks related to an effort begun by the George W. Bush administration. The Stuxnet worm, long rumored to have been developed by Israel or the U.S., escaped from Iranian computers in mid-2010 and compromised computers across the Internet.

Obama considered shutting down the cyberattacks after Stuxnet began compromising other computers, but decided to continue with the program, according to the Times. The Stuxnet worm came from a joint U.S. and Israeli effort to target the Iranian nuclear program, the Times said. The newspaper interviewed U.S., Israeli and European officials currently and formerly involved with the cyberattack program, it said. More

Mainstream Media Admissions

One Per Cent: Obama "gave full backing to Stuxnet attack on Iran"
In Confront and Conceal: Obama's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power, author David Sanger alleges that Stuxnet...
Cyberweapons: Obama becomes most killing-est president, surpassing Pres. Cheney
Barack Obama "ordered Stuxnet cyber attack on Iran"
Pres. B.S. Obama ordered the viral Stuxnet attack on Iran as part of a wave of cyber sabotage and espionage against the would-be nuclear. It then leaked onto the Internet.
Obama's wave of cyberattacks against Iran
Presidents Bush and Obama behind Stuxnet
Israel and the United States were indeed behind a military-grade computer worm that sabotaged an Iranian nuclear-[power plant] fuel processing facility.
Obama ordered Stuxnet assault on Iran (BankInfoSecurity)

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