Monday, July 16, 2012

The Child-Molesting Elite (audio)

Nick Bryant (;
Part 1 of 7

Go Harrison July 16, 2012 3:00 pm PLAY (download)
The Child-Raping Elite (Great Minds of Today)
Surviving all forms of Child Abuse (SIA)

Johnny Gosch (
() Researcher Nick Bryant drops a bombshell on Washington, D.C., the ostensible seat of American power. (It actually resides elsewhere with the real movers and shakers of the military-industrial complex). The power elite are deeply involved in child molestation.
There is even a Penn State-Palerno-Sandusky connection. This Veritas interview is a chilling exposé of corporate corruption and government cover-ups of a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring in the United States.

Franklin Scandal, Cover-Up (
It is a sordid tale of corruption in the highest (known) places, with tacit CIA approval and cover ups. The scandal originally surfaced during an investigation into Omaha, Nebraska's failed Franklin Federal Credit Union and took the author beyond the Midwest and ultimately to Washington, DC. 
Implicating businessmen, senators, major media corporations, the CIA, and even the venerable Boys Town (orphanage) organization, this extensively researched report includes firsthand interviews with key witnesses and explores a controversy that has received scant media attention. Listen to the entire show at with no censorship and no commercials.

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