Friday, December 7, 2012

Mayan Calendar: A Second Coming?

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly (COUNTDOWN CLOCK: -14)
The second coming...of Q
( Quetzalcoatl was described as a pale male with a beard, wearing long robes, spreading a message of love, forbidding blood sacrifices, teaching that the god he represents in space is supreme, giving Toltecs technology that provides for their material well being that advances their culture, such as providing them with an accurate calendar. Q left the Toltecs because of the enmity and persecution of powerful religious leaders. 
But he promised to one day return, just as he had left, coming over the ocean from the east. This return, as explained in Warriors of the Rainbow (William Willoya and Vinson Brown, Naturegraph Publishers), is by no means necessarily a return of the same physical being. It may simply mean the return of the same spiritual message being channeled through another prophet. Q has been described by Dr. Herbert Joseph Spinden as "perhaps the most remarkable figure in ancient American history." He not only established a religion from space ["heaven"] but taught the people all manner of arts, sciences, and useful social customs. More

If Q comes back, can Tezcatlipoca be far behind?

The Mayan calendar ends?
Don't all calendars end? Does the world end with them? What happens at the end of our Gregorian calendar? The same thing that happens at the end of all calendars: They repeat. Ad nauseum. Samsara has no end point but instead whirls like a wheel. We ourselves must get off this endless merry-go-round rather than expecting it to stop.
A Second Coming?
All of the world religions speak of a second coming. Christendom is Waiting for Godot. And Islam awaits the great Imam (Madhi). This belief is rife with connotations that Buddhism is boarding the bandwagon it actually created when the historical Buddha spoke of buddhas who had lived aeons ago and the next person, already living in a space world called Tusita, who would go on to reach the goal and become a world teacher. That, too, however, is not for aeons. There is little chance of Maitreya arising anytime soon. But other great, universal teachers with a unitarian message may indeed use the Mayan Calendar to herald the new Age of Aquarius. And we will all be as one. What will December 22, 2012 be like? It will be as people wish it to be, in accordance with the timeline they choose, which means that for us it will be like the ending of "40 Year Old Virgin":

1 comment:

  1. Why worry, it never happened in the past,no experience,anything natural calmities there is no escape,Be normal
