Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cultured Health: Gut and Psychology; Amber Dorrian, Wisdom Quarterly 
Nourishing traditional diets have always included cultured or slightly fermented food. There is an introduction to this dietary lifestyle on the Dr. Weston A. Price Foundation website.
Eating probiotic foods -- healthily cultured rather than the toxic byproducts of extreme fermentation, like alcohol and vinegar, or putrefaction -- is one of the keys to health.
Beneficial bacterial strains are absolute necessities to good health. They are already present in the gut, beginning with colostrum from the mother's first breastfeeding. If they are disrupted, problems begin.
Natasha Campbell-McBride (GAPS)
If they completely falter, "fecal replacement" (pumping a sickly person full of healthy poop) may become necessary, as the sensational medical news this week touted.

Culture Club 101 is offering a series on GAPS cooking. The series includes classes in GAPS staples, such as broth and soups, fermented vegetables, fermented dairy, and grain-free baking.
Our featured film in March 2013 will be "Ingredients," an inspiring documentary focusing on people who are working to revitalize the connection between food, community, and health.

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