Monday, February 18, 2013

Anti-LAPD protestors picket HQ (video)

Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

Sanctioned gang members with special weapons and tactics or military training to be deployed on civilian populations (State of Collapse). MANHUNT
Ironically, Dorner brings hope to LAPD
LOS ANGELES - One hundred or more protesters gathered for a peaceful demonstration in front of LAPD headquarters on the first weekend after former LAPD Officer Christopher Jordan Dorner was murdered. What is the goal of ongoing protests?

Demonstrators are determined to see to it that Dorner's allegations of racism and official misconduct are investigated. Killing him did not silence the facts he revealed. His meandering Facebook posting or "manifesto" contains names, dates, and allegations of serious wrongdoing by LAPD personnel currently on the job.

Military man Dorner in dress whites (CBS)
He alleges that his entire rampage, and the murders he has been accused of, was due to official misconduct and retaliation for his whistleblowing. Why would Los Angelenos support a policeman and suspected killer? Just as in the Rodney King beating, whatever one thinks of the victim, no one can deny the racist misconduct of the LAPD.

It is particularly glaring in this case because Dorner was in the LAPD, and police throughout SoCal showed their hand as they repeatedly attempted to murder him rather than arrest him. In his place, police shot innocent citizens with complete immunity. So eager were they for the glory of ending the manhunt with their service revolvers that they followed secret protocols reserved for LAPD's most wanted.

LAPD brass may argue that their officers and those of other departments were only ignoring department policy and recklessly disregarding the safety of the public. But that would hardly allay anyone's fears that police departments in California are out of control, composed of murderers, vigilantes, unconvicted felons, and paramilitary troops -- most evident in SWAT, undercover spies, CRASH and other tactical units.

Who voted on the regular "lock downs" of high schools as well as elementary campuses, treating children like state prisoners and enemy troops? It is now standard operating procedure for any provocation or allegation. Those angry with the LAPD are not pro-policeman Dorner. His lawless spree is exactly in line with what other officers in the Department are accused of doing.

The only advantage Dorner has is that he broke the silence that officers use to hatch conspiracies and engage in beatings, killings, and even rapes condoned and sanctioned by other officers who remain quiet. Of course, like any gang, police had to send the message that "snitches" (whistleblowers) will not be tolerated. Murderers will, but those who violate the conspiracy of silence, never.

All sheriffs are trained in LA jails (LAT)
It is no secret that there is secrecy. It is amazing that police are allowed to police themselves and thereby tamper with evidence and protect one another to continue to offend in the guise of the defenders.
The demonstration is protesting more than silence in the face of internal misconduct, crimes, and fraud. Demonstrators are asking for an end corruption, brutality, illegal spying, and a culture of racism and encroaching totalitarianism. Even their own vetted members cannot stand the hypocrisy.
Dozens [?] gather at LAPD HQ
(Los Angeles Times via Huffington Post)
Protester Michael Nam held a sign with a flaming tombstone and the inscription "RIP Habeas Corpus." He and others said they were angered by the conduct of the manhunt that led to Dorner's death and [near fatal] injuries to [recklessly disregarded] innocent bystanders... More

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