Friday, February 22, 2013

How gay can Vatican priests get?

Wisdom Quarterly
Don't ask me about it. I'm not in the mood.
Popes as seen from space
Why is Pope Benedict XVI quitting? The mainstream media is offering a more tantalizing answer than the Canadian lawsuit against the Church:

Did Cross-dressing Priest Sex Ring bring down Benedict XVI?
Barbie Latza Nadeau (The Daily Beast)
According to several well-placed vaticanisti -- or Vatican experts -- in Rome, Benedict [Joe Ratzinger] is resigning after being handed a secret red-covered dossier that included details about a network of gay priests who work inside the Vatican, but who play in secular Rome.
Forgive me Father (Papa), and bail me out
The priests, it seems, are allegedly being blackmailed by a network of male prostitutes who worked at a sauna in Rome’s Quarto Miglio district, a health spa in the city center, and a private residence once entrusted to a prominent archbishop.
The evidence reportedly includes compromising photos and videos of the prelates -- sometimes caught on film in drag [dressed as women], and, in some cases, caught "in the act" [engaging in homosexual sex].

Revelations about the alleged network are the basis of a 300-page report supposedly delivered to Benedict on December 17 [2012]... According to the press reports, it was on that day that Benedict XVI decided once and for all to retire, after toying with the idea for months. 
He reportedly closed the dossier and locked it away in the pontifical apartment safe to be handed to his successor to deal with [i.e., hush up or deny]. 
According to reports originally printed by La Repubblica newspaper and the newsweekly Panorama (and followed up across the gamut of the Italian media), the crimes the cardinals uncovered involved breaking the commandments “Thou shalt not steal” and “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” the latter of which has been used in Vatican-speak to also refer also to homosexual relations instead of the traditional reference to infidelity. More
Seriously? Crossdressing priests? (

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