Monday, February 25, 2013

Oscars: Falling Up, Falling Down (video)

Wisdom Quarterly (EDITORIAL); Seth MacFarlane
(LINK) "For the insiders at the Oscars this kind of joke is obviously not taken seriously. But when one considers the global audience of the Oscars of upwards of two billion people, including many who know... ‘Jews control Hollywood’... that so reinforces the age-old canard about Jewish control of the film industry." More

Lawrence answers reporters
OMG, not that funny. "The Seth MacFarlane Show" went off the rails with lots of people reading long lists of names no one knows. And the "Jaws" theme only got used once, when it really should have gone to Life of Pi's Ang Lee when he beat Steven Spielberg, who created "Jaws."

The Anti-Defamation League has filed a complaint against plush toy "Ted" for an antisemitic segment (video) that had the nerve to point out that Jews are overrepresented in Hollywood and in the media (TV, radio, print, online, porn).

Lawrence helps Stewart (BusinessInsider)
But the best and worst moments may have been (Best Actress) Oscar-winner Jennifer Lawrence's elegant trip and recovery and klutzy crutchy Kristen Stewart's grueling award-presenting efforts (after her amazing sweep of the awards the day before for her sullen teenager caliber performance in the "Twilight" series) next to Harry Potter. Interestingly, tragically, "Searching for Sugar Man" beat out four socially-conscious documentaries with its light and entertaining subject matter. Amazingly, with only four or five awards of widespread interest, the show was allowed to drag on for 3.5 hours.
Naturally blond Stewart dyes it dark (Shine)
MacFarlane (creator of "Family Guy" and "American Dad" and "The Cleveland Show") was brought in to attract a younger male audience. But the Academy claims to have chosen him for his dancing and singing. Either way, it was not much of a departure from hosts like Billy Crystal. The producers will have to think of something else -- maybe combining it with the Super Bowl, Olympic figure skating, and MTV clips? A show is not a "show" if it just indulges actors with insider comments far exceeding their 15 minutes of fame. Everyone agrees, the whole thing could go a lot faster.

Kristen Stewart spotted picking up Golden Razzies the day before Oscars (

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