Tuesday, February 12, 2013

"Pope No More!" nude protest (video)

FEMEN.org; Huff Post; Wisdom Quarterly
WARNING: Topless nudity and disorderly conduct in a religious shrine!

Pope Benedict (Benoit) gives a sign
A group of topless activists scandalized visitors at Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral on Tuesday by disrobing in public to celebrate Pope Benedict XVI's resignation.
The small group of women, all affiliated with radical feminist group FEMEN, flashed their breasts and banged on bells in the cathedral, shouting slogans such as, "Bye Bye Benedict" and "No more homophobe," according to the Agence France-Presse.
The pope announced his resignation Monday in a shocking pronouncement that took the Catholic community by surprise. However, FEMEN appears to have little to no love for the outgoing pontiff, whom the group blasted on its website for his stance on same-sex marriage.
According to the site, the "French Femen sextremists" were playing a "funeral march" for the pope. A photo of the women was accompanied by the following description: More
The Last Pope
Wisdom Quarterly (EDITORIAL)
Conclave of holymen gather to pick new boss
Time, due to time travel permutations and interference, is behind a few months. The real Mayan calendar end date is now no longer Dec. 21st, 2012 but rather some time in Feb. 2013, according to Lord Macklin, who spoke at the recent Conscious Life Expo. This might explain the bombshell news that Pope Benedict is stepping down all of a sudden. Is Maitreya Buddha, Messiah Jesus (Issa), or Naga Quetzalcoatl about to return? Probably not, but maybe. Something scared Mr. Ratzinger (Pope Benedict) out of office in an almost-unprecedented move. Six hundred years ago the same thing happened, but back then a better reason was given than just being too old and frail to do a good job. Last night on Coast to Coast a far more ominous reason was given: the Vatican bank has been laundering drug and Italian Mafia money, which was known, and may now be insolvent or in a great deal of trouble. What CEO wants to head a bankrupt organization that can no longer defend itself with the highest-priced lawyers around?

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