Saturday, February 16, 2013

Why do we need MEN? Science answers (audio); Wisdom Quarterly
Okay, maybe a few men wouldn't be a bad idea. But why do we need them?

Lesbian lizards (nagis and naginis) of California? Snakes. Unfertilized chicken eggs that hatch. Androgynous fish that switch sexes according to environment. Man ducks rape. Many men are mean and molest most everyone, so why do we need men? It's starts with a question about sperm. By the way, we love men, just not so crazy about patriarchy and entrenched sexism, which is hurting everyone: dads, moms, children, and others (Nature, animals, devas, unseen beings, etc.)
RADIO LAB examines our biological human beginnings, taking a tour of the animal kingdom (Tiracchana Loka), and finally ponder a world where frozen sperm can last for all eternity -- so who needs men? Find out by listening to Sperm on air this week.

Who is "RadioLab"? Hosts Robert Krulwich and Jad Abumrad get help from: Sean Cole, Brenna Farrell, Ellen Horne, Tim Howard, Lynn Levy, Dylan Keefe, Andy Mills, Malissa O'Donnell, Pat Walters, Molly Webster, and Soren Wheeler.
Robert KrulwichRadiolab host Jad AbumradBrenna FarrellDylan KeefeTim HowardAndy MillsSean Cole

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