Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Zen punk rebel Brad Warner (sex)

Wisdom Quarterly; Dogen Sangha Los Angeles
The Joshu Sasaki sex scandal has made both the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times thus making it officially news, as opposed to just the stuff that gets bantered about on Buddhist blogs. One of the reasons things like this have been covered up in the past is...that there is little information available to the general public about what Buddhists believe and practice.... [and] sex sells.

Review (
MT. BALDY - Authentic American Zen Master and ordained Zen Buddhist priest Brad Warner, who received direct transmission from his teacher, Gudo Nishijima, in Japan in spite of being a rebellious punk rocker, a comic book lover, and by all accounts not much of a monastic or roshi, will do his best to turn it around during this Soto Zen meditation retreat.

The three-day intensive retreat in the snow-covered heights of the Angeles National Forest will focus on zazen ("sitting"), shikantaza ("just sitting"), and deep silence. There will be morning chanting services, work periods, and yoga led by Yogini Nina Snow.

Free time will be permitted for hiking. The daily routine will be punctuated by lectures, Q&A sessions, and interview(s (dokusan) with Ven. Brad, who is the author of Sex Sin and Zen, Hardcore Zen, Sit Down and Shut Up (Punk Rock Commentaries on Buddha, God, Truth, Sex, Death, and Dogen's Treasury of the Right Dharma Eye), and of course Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in Chocolate. More
  • Mount Baldy Zen Center
  • 7901 Mount Baldy Rd.
  • Mount Baldy, CA 91759
  • April 26-28, 2013

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