Thursday, March 28, 2013

Headlines: US spying, war gay marriage (video)

Ashley Wells, Seven, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly;
Caldicott on Fukushima and Nuclear Planet
( On March 8th, legendary activist Helen Caldicott spoke at The Great Minds Series in Santa Monica, California. Every bit of her vivacious Australian humor and personality was used for one thing: Getting across her message, as she has done for 40 years, which is more vital than ever -- the continuous proliferation of nuclear reactors and weapons. Even after she met with Pres. Reagan, P.M. Mitterand, and had the support of Phil Donahue, Paul Newman, and others, she is still out there with the message of her book, NUCLEAR POWER IS NOT THE ANSWER!

As director of the Center for the Study of Yoga and Health, owner of Breathe into Balance, and founder of the "Power Yin Yoga" tradition, Kelly Larson is an experienced transformational consultant, yoga and meditation instructor, speaker, and author. She is a private yoga instructor.
Larson in Yoga Journal
Larson integrates yogic teachings from many master teachers around the globe and offers yoga retreats, workshops, and private sessions internationally. Her yoga certification was completed in India, where she returns to lead retreats, teaching it as a transformational tool. She helps one-on-one working with clients globally in person and via virtual consultations.

Good Buddhist dog reads ascetic poetry (ALF)
After seeing the movie "Amongst the White Clouds" about Buddhist hermits living in seclusion on high mountains in China, Sita [the dog] was deeply moved by their ascetic life. They are living alone in deep mountains... "carrying water and chopping wood" year after year. This morning Sita was having a serious discussion with Sasha about impermanence and how all living beings have Buddha Nature including dog-beings. Sita even pulled out a poem by Cold Mountains read it to Sasha, hoping to entice her to join her for a cozy monastic life on the high cliffs of the Sangre de Cristo mountains: On high cliffs I live alone/Swirling clouds swirl all day/Inside my hut it might be dim/But in my mind I heard no noise....

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