Monday, March 25, 2013

My favorite Nazis are Jews (comedy)

Wisdom Quarterly; Los Angeles Times (, March 24, 2013)
Col. Klink, Sgt. Shultz, and Cpl. LeBeau with Fräulein Helga (LA
Once the funniest war show on American TV
In more ways than one, Robert Clary is a survivor. In real life, the diminutive Parisian-born actor and singer survived three years in concentration camps as a Jewish teenager during World War II.
In show business, the 87-year-old has had a long and successful career that has included TV, Broadway, nightclubs, and records.
Clary remains best known for his role as master chef and French patriot Cpl. LeBeau in the 1965-71 CBS comedy series "Hogan's Heroes," which was set in a German stalag, or P.O.W. camp, during WW II. The series also featured Bob Crane [Hogan], Werner Klemperer [Col. Klink], John Banner, Richard Dawson [gameshow host/kisser], Ivan Dixon, and Larry Hovis.

Those heroic Americans)! Hogan's Heroes: "Happy Birthday, Adolph" (Season 1, Episode 17)
Despite his horrific experiences during the Holocaust, Clary said in a recent interview that he didn't have any qualms about doing "Hogan's Heroes."
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"True, they were in a camp, but they were not treated the same as a concentration camp," he said. "It was a stalag. You received letters and packages."
After the series went off the air, he remained close to the two other actors on the series whose lives had been upended by the Nazis -- German-born Klemperer, who won Emmys as the officious Col. Klink, and the Austrian-born Banner, who played the befuddled Sgt. Schultz. Both were Jews who had fled the Nazis before the outbreak of the war. More
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