Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nazis in the News: Billionaries in hiding; Wisdom Quarterly
Harald Quandt, Magda Goebbels' son by her first marriage, center back in uniform with his Nazi stepfather Joseph Goebbels. Bottom from right: his mother and the couple's children, Helga, Hildegard, Helmut, Hedwig, Holdine, and Heidrun in 1942 (Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images).
Mr. Hitler (Hugo Jaeger/Getty Images)
Normally we keep an ear on nagas (reptoids, dragons, draconian serpents) in the news. But Nazis may qualify. The Third Reich was not principally the creation of Adolf Hitler. He certainly gets most of the blame as its figurehead. In the same way, George W. Bush was never a mastermind. His "architect" was Karl Rove. Similarly, Hitler's architect was Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. That he and his heirs profited from their war crimes should not come as a surprise. 

Nazi Fuhrer and his son (
More surprising is the fact that the Nazis did not really lose WW II. But that is what the mainstream history books report. In reality, Nazis changed their name and aligned with other countries -- including this one. Former "Nazis" gave us rockets, intercontinental ballistic missiles, and nuclear weapons. There has also been a great deal of secret information provided to North and South American nations, including futuristic spacecraft technology (received through the Vril Society and its oracle).

WARNING: Ironic racism, perpetuating racist and homophobic stereotypes! "Jewish people driving German cars? What the c--- is that s---? It's the opposite of fubu."
Actual Nazis own BMW? Sarah Silverman was right! Why are we driving German cars? And to think the US was in on the deception protecting former Nazis from the start.

Nazi Goebbels' Step-grandchildren living as hidden billionaires
David de Jong (, Jan 28, 2013)
In the spring of 1945, Harald Quandt, a 23-year-old officer in the German Luftwaffe, was being held as a prisoner of war by Allied forces in the Libyan port city of Benghazi when he received a farewell letter from his mother, Magda Goebbels -- the wife of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

The hand-written note confirmed the devastating news he had heard weeks earlier: His mother had committed suicide with her husband on May 1, after slipping their six children cyanide capsules in Adolf Hitler’s underground bunker in Berlin. 
“My dear son! By now we’ve been in the Fuehrerbunker for six days already, Daddy, your six little siblings and I, to give our national socialistic lives the only possible, honorable ending,” she wrote. 
BMW breaks Nazi silence (
“Harald, dear son, I want to give you what I learned in life: Be loyal! Loyal to yourself, loyal to the people and loyal to your country!”

Quandt was released from captivity in 1947. Seven years later, he and his half-brother Herbert -- Harald was the only remaining child from Magda Goebbels’ first marriage -- would inherit the industrial empire built by their father, Guenther Quandt, which had produced Mauser firearms and anti-aircraft missiles for the Third Reich’s war machine. Among their most valuable assets at the time was a stake in car manufacturer Daimler AG. (DAI). They bought a part of Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) a few years later. More

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