Saturday, March 16, 2013

Police planned to kidnap, cook, eat 100 women

Wisdom Quarterly; Los Angeles Times, HALLOWEEN SERIES (March 16, 2013)
Gil Valle, former NYC police officer, in court with attorney prior to being convicted for the unbelievable crimes he stands accused of plotting, using his police computer to seek out victims (Elizabeth Williams/AP/

In what seemed too outlandish to include in our scary series of Halloween stories, Gilberto Valle, the would-be "cannibal cop" has now been convicted making this a reality no one can now deny.

Anomaly: kind cop on a good night (
Do police really commit heinous crimes under color of law, as officers, on duty, carrying out their misdeeds with the immunity their positions guarantee them? No. Well, yes, according to this case and the countless number of felony assaults, torture, deprivation of civil rights, unjustifiable homicides shooting suspects in the back or while handcuffed, rape, conspiracy, drug dealing, child molestation, bribery, malfeasance, grand theft, and of course run-of-the-mill brutality.
In fact, it seems that police-work attracts a particular kind of sadistic, authoritarian weakling with a "gang" mentality (a propensity to hide behind uniform like a US soldier running rampant in Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Iraq). Recently a gang of Los Angeles sheriffs working the LA Jail were fired for being police-gang-members, "the Jump Out Boys," beating, torturing, possibly sodomizing detainees with impunity, lying about it on reports and backing each other to conceal their crimes as "necessary force" or "justifiable" murder and mayhem. 
Why would jailers be worse than those jailed? Their crimes are indeed worse. That criminals or civilians commit crimes is to be expected. Why else have deterrents or police to prevent it? That trained law enforcement professionals on the beat would commit crimes is like having firemen setting arson fires, which happens and has come to seem common in the media.

WARNING: Graphic lyrics! Cannibal Corpse sings the Policeman's Ball theme song (animated).

New York police officer arrested in plot to kidnap, cook, eat 100 women
Dinner. (Fail Compilation, Nov. 12, Week 1-2)
A New York City police officer has been arrested in a plot to to kidnap, cook, and cannibalize women, law enforcement officials said Thursday.

Gilberto Valle, 28, was arrested Tuesday at his home in Queens, N.Y. by FBI agents and NYPD’s internal affairs after a two-month investigation. He is scheduled to appear in Manhattan federal court Thursday afternoon.

Valle’s phone and computer records show that since at least February, he had been building a database of 100 women--complete with personal information and physical descriptions--as part of a developing plan to kidnap, torture, cook and eat them, according to federal indictment unsealed Thursday.

“Gilberto Valle’s alleged plans to kidnap women so that they could be raped, tortured, killed, cooked and cannibalized shock the conscience,” said Manhattan U.S. Atty. Preet Bharara in a statement. “This case is all the more disturbing when you consider Valle’s position as a New York City police officer and his sworn duty to serve and protect. Our investigation is ongoing.”

Valle obtained some information for his plan from the federal National Crime Information Center "without authorization, and outside the scope of his authority," the documents said.

In at least one instance, Valle discussed kidnapping a woman he knew and selling her to another man for $5,000, according to excerpts from a transcript of his conversation included in the court records.

No women were harmed, said FBI spokeswoman Kelly Langmesser. There was “just a great deal of intent.”

During Valle’s discussion of selling one of his victims, the buyer asked if he could lower the price if he offered something as trade.

“No nothing at all,” Valle responded through the online chat. “Like I said this is very risky and will ruin my life if I am caught. I really need the money…”

Valle has been a patrol officer in the NYPD’s 26th Precinct for six years. There was nothing unusual in his employment record, said Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne.

Among Valle’s ideas was to slow cook a woman so she would stay alive as long as possible, according to the criminal complaint. He also researched how to make chloroform so he could subdue his victim, and wrote a manual on kidnapping.

Valle apparently knew some of the women he was targeting, according to court records. He bragged to a man that he could show up at one woman’s house unannounced and she wouldn’t be disturbed. That was to be his first victim, prosecutors allege.

“I love that she is asleep right now not having the slightest clue of what is planned,” Valle said in an online chat in July with his potential buyer about the woman. “Her days are numbered. I’m glad you’re on board. She does look tasty doesn’t she?”

The FBI learned of Valle's email and instant message communications in September. The "co-conspirator" he communicated with is not named in the court record.

Valle faces up to life in prison if convicted on all counts.
New York's "cannibal cop" convicted by federal jury
New York's 'cannibal cop' convicted by federal jury(A New York City police officer was convicted Tuesday of charges ... lawyers at what the tabloids dubbed the "Cannibal Cop" trial chose not to hide what they ... was more of a threat because he was a police officer. The trial opened a window on ...
Accused "cannibal cop" was ready to act, N.Y. prosecutor says
Accused 'cannibal cop' was ready to act, N.Y. prosecutor says 
() The FBI had to grab a New York City police officer last year before he could go forward with a macabre ... said. Lawyers for Valle, whom local media have dubbed the "cannibal cop," say he is being prosecuted for indulging in what they ...
Jury weighs fate of NYPD officer accused in cannibal plot
Jury weighs fate of NYPD officer accused in cannibal plot() The fate of a suspended New York City police officer accused of plotting to kill and cannibalize women he ... home the point that Valle was more of a threat because he was a police officer. "Women who wanted no part of this were put in grave ...
Jury done for day in New York "cannibal cop" trial
Jury done for day in New York 'cannibal cop' trial()... deliberations Friday without a verdict in the case of a New York City police officer accused of plotting to abduct and cannibalize women. The ... drive home the point that Valle was more of a threat because he was a police officer.
"Cannibal cop" trial begins in New York
'Cannibal cop' trial begins in New York(... bizarre fantasy. The trial of the officer, dubbed the “cannibal cop,” begins Monday afternoon with opening statements ... last year, Gilberto Valle was just another 28-year-old police officer, a college graduate and father. Then he was charged ...
Female classmates say they felt safe with accused "Cannibal Cop"
Female classmates say they felt safe with accused 'Cannibal Cop'(... Tuesday that they never felt threatened by the one-time New York City police officer. The trial of Gilberto Valle, 28, dubbed by the New York media as the "Cannibal Cop," moved into its second day, with prosecutors seeking to put human ...

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