Friday, May 10, 2013

Dalai Lama: Monks, stop the violence!

Wisdom Quarterly; Sara Malm (, ); BBC; AP/ABC News
Never mind the hat. These two ex-"popes" are very different. One has disappeared while the other has risen in prominence after both retiring of their own volition (Wisdom Quarterly)
Dalai Lama pleads with Buddhist monks to end deadly attacks on Muslims in Burma and Sri Lanka.
  • Religious leader asks monks to intervene in anti-Islam violence.
  • Dalai Lama condemned attacks on Muslims in Sri Lanka and Burma.
  • Hundreds dead and more than 135,000 displaced in Burma this year
  • Nominal-Buddhist groups have attacked businesses owned by Muslims.
  • Tibetan Buddhist addressed issue in speech at Univ. of Maryland, USA.
Rubbing noses: Gov. O'Malley, Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama has reached out to monks in Burma and Sri Lanka, imploring them to end recent violence towards Muslims in their countries.
The Tibetan Buddhist (Vajrayana) spiritual leader blamed those of his own religion for recent violent attacks in South Asia, while giving a speech at the University of Maryland. Hundreds have died and more than 135,000 people have fled their homes in Burma, also known as Myanmar, in the past year's brutal assaults.

In Sri Lanka [a predominantly Theravada Buddhist island off the southern tip of India], Buddhist groups have recently attacked Muslim businesses.
In his speech on Tuesday, the Dalai Lama condemned all killings in the name of religion and admitted that not even Buddhists were exempt from carrying out religious attacks.
"Killing people in the name of religion is really very sad, unthinkable, very sad," the Nobel Peace laureate said.
"Nowadays even Buddhists are involved, in Burma and Sri Lanka. Buddhist monks destroying Muslim mosques or Muslim families -- it's really very sad." More

UK policy has not changed over China and Tibet
Dalai Lama meets David Cameron and Nick Clegg
David Cameron and Nick Clegg met the Dalai Lama at St Paul's Cathedral, May 2012
David Cameron has said the UK continues to recognize Chinese sovereignty over Tibet amid reports of a rift with Beijing over the issue.
The Chinese authorities are said to be angry at the prime minister's decision to meet the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, last year.
Mr. Cameron told MPs that UK policy had not changed, and it did not support calls for independence for Tibet. 
Dalai Lama lashes Burmese, Sri Lankan Buddhist violence
Ravi Nessman (AP/ABC News, May 8, 2013)
PHOTO: An armed man waves his rifle as buildings and cars are engulfed in flames after being set on fire inside the US consulate compound in Benghazi, Libya, Sept. 11, 2012.
What if the violence gets as bad as Benghazi?
NEW DELHI, India - The Dalai Lama has implored Buddhist monks in Burma and Sri Lanka to put an end to a series of recent attacks on Muslims in their countries.  The Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader spoke Tuesday night about religious violence when asked questions following a speech he delivered to 15,000 people at the University of Maryland in the United States.  Burma, which is now known as Myanmar, has been wracked by sectarian violence that has killed hundreds and displaced more than 135,000 over the past year, while Sri Lankan Buddhist groups have recently attacked Muslim businesses [following a near genocide on militant Tamil Hindu minority separatists, a fight that was the longest running civil war in Asia]. More

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