Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Great read on Buddhist and Jain culture

Craig Newmark, Wisdom Quarterly; Jay Deva (UCLA)
Mahavira (Great Hero), known in Buddhism as the Nigantha Nattaputta, founded Jainism.
Fordfinders (wiki)
Interested in compassionate nonviolence? Might two of ancient India's greatest teachers (the Buddha and Mahavira) have something to offer? In search of a good read?
· Chapter 1: Meditation - Concepts and Knowledge
· Chapter 2: Meditation - Technique and Instruction
· Chapter 3: Oneness
· Chapter 4: Karma
· Chapter 5: Karmic Conduct
· Chapter 6: Culture and Practices

Many lives (Jain Universe)
The closely-related wandering ascetic (shramanic) traditions of Buddhism and Jainism are among humanity's oldest and richest sources of philosophical, spiritual, moral, and humanitarian knowledge.

Long before the advent of formal "religion," creeds, oaths, and sectarianism, informal manifestations flourished in the form of culture. Evolved and refined over many centuries, these humanistic spiritual vehicles preserved the world's oldest and most extensive understandings of meditation, karmic wisdom, and nonviolence (ahimsa).

Through the fusion of multi-disciplinary scholarship, Dev's in-depth collection presents the genuine lineage of rare knowledge at the heart of these cultures in a single, artistic, and well-organized volume.

The text contains artwork and poetry presented in an easy style, including I Am All Beings, The Knowledge of Oneness, a short poetic series featuring various painting styles and intricate illustrations.

Most importantly, Meditation, Karma, and Nonviolence: The Authentic Teachings and Practices of Buddhist and Jain Culture illuminates the vital essence of Jain and Buddhist culture. The volume proceeds in concise, bulleted paragraphs, each transmitting a kernel of ancient wisdom cherished for countless centuries by those who have endeavored to look deep within themselves for guidance and awakening, carefully practicing non-harming toward all forms of life, inspiring humans toward personal liberation and an enlightened worldwide society of nonviolence and cooperation.

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